Outi Pollari

Outi Pollari is a translator and music pedagogue from Kuhmo. She specialises in translating documents, yet she has translated some music-related belletristic works, too. She is used to be on stage as a singer, but slam poetry is very new to her. She’s excited to bring her poetry out of the desk drawers and jump into this new adventure.


English Translation:


Cultivation of Soul                                                                                                 0:01:00-03:29:00


I’m ploughing up deep furrows                                                                             00:04:29-00:07:18


forking over soil and dirt, digging out heavy chunks.                                           0:07:18-0:14:00


Still, the gaps between my thoughts remain there like hollow hunks…                00:14.00-00:18:00


I’ll create extensive text fields!                                                                              00:20:00-0:23:00


Could I plant anything in them?                                                                             00:23:05-0:27:00


Winter has come!                                                                                                    00:27:00-0:29:00


Just think of it, if the seeds of words germinated even under frost?                       00:29:03-0:35:00


I took a risk by inviting you to follow the strips of my words,                               00:39:00-0:45.02


dating back to days when the seeds that I carefully sowed on paper did sprout,    00:45:05-0:54:00


but eventually, the only yield of the crops on the bottom of my crib was chaff:    00:54:00-00:58:02


– all these hesitations, quests, and timid steps.                                                       00:58:06-1:05.02


That’s how the life is – fiddly and intractable…                                                     1:07:02-1:10:00


when my thoughts, assumptions, and expectations                                                  1:10:02-1:15:00


skid astray to chafe the edging kerbs of my path,                                                     1:15:00-1:22:00

causing friction


and making me forget that no collateral was ever granted,                                       1:22:00-1:29:00


to guarantee that I am SLOWLY heading to the direction that I am supposed to.    1:29:05-1:37:20


When I find it hard to make out the line between me and the ones around me,       1:39:00-1:45:00


it becomes crucial to start learning                                                                            1:45:05-1:50:10


to figure out my UNIQUE ways to catch and keep the ball of my own life rolling:  1:50:11-1:55:00


to truly grasp what is best right now.                                                                          1:55:03-1:59:00


If I fail, the soul starts to wail…                                                                                  2:00:00-2:06:05


An aching soul is disconcertingly noisy,                                                                      2:09:02-2:12:00


it yells out its pain, keeps harping on, explaining, lamenting,                                       2:12:05-2:20:00


pouring out on paper its infectious secretions.                                                             2:20:05-2:24:07


A serene soul enjoys well-balanced metabolism,

you don’t hear it rumbling and growling with hunger.                                                 2:26:07-2:35:00

The breathing rolls in gentle heaves                                                                               2:35:00-2:38:05

as the well-being soul hums softly.                                                                                       2:38:05-2:42:15


Where does the soul’s foul enemy keep guard?                                                            2:43:15-2:47:15


The one that keeps tearing up and ruining our lives?                                         2:47:15-2:51:10


– It hides squatting in the centre of everybody’s heart,                                                  2:53:00-2:57:05


and each one must tame it with one’s own hands!                                                        2:58:00-3:05:00